Thursday, December 30, 2004


   Today, as I was sitting at the computer in the library, the sound of steps came from the area of the kitchen and into the diningroom. As my wife was out today, I assumed she had returned. But when she failed to make an appearence at the library door and our dog simply looked up but didn't make a mad rush to welcome her, I knew it was the famous steps again. But nonetheless, I got up and looked out the diningroom window to see if my wifes car was in the driveway, it wasn't. This is the first event for quite some time. The house was unusually quiet over Christmas.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Underground water

     Perhaps, as someone recently suggested, our "ghostly" manifications are in someway connected with underground running water. Now its true that some of the happenings around this place are too material to be caused in such a manner; however, I'm begining to think perhaps the sounds might be. The reason I'm beginning to think that way is due to the fact that this summer, I made an attempt to further block off the spring that perpetually runs through the basement. When this house was built (1857) the spring was handy for fresh water and a form of refrigeration. Now its a pain in the neck. Attempts at diverting it in the past only slowed it down. The attempt I made this summer has slowed it considerably. Half of my cellar floor is dry for the first time (possibly since the house was built). It may be coincidental; but we have not experienced anything ghostly or out of the normal since November and that was just a nervous dog. The last "happening" occurred in October. This is the time of year that the weird was most active. Not this year, its been very quiet.