Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Phantom phone

     Last night my wife experienced an unexplained anomoly. We turned in around midnight. My wife said she was feeling twinges that sometimes are precursors of leg cramps; so we read for a while. Shortly before 1 am she felt the episode had passed and we (rather I) went to sleep. She said that shortly thereafter the twinges were back and she felt a cramp coming on. So rather than wake me, she had gotten up and gone downstairs to hopefully walk off the cramp. After a bit the episode eased up but she thought she'd read for a bit to be sure. Reading a book in the library she was suddenly aware of a phone ringing. As our phone is in the library, beside the chair she was using, she immediately knew it wasn't our phone. The time was 3:10 am; It rang four times and quit. Thinking maybe she imagined it; she schrugged it off. A few minutes later it again rang. This time it was picked up on the third ring and a short muddled conversation took place.So obvious was the whole matter that she picked up our phone to be sure it wasn't coming in that way. She got a definite dial tone. She couldn't make out what was said but suddenly decided that maybe she better come back to bed. Keep in mind this house of ours is not only almost soundproof  our dog's barks carry from inside and fire sirens and loud mufflers can sometimes be heard inside), but besides this the house sets well away from our neighbors. The neighbor on the right is at lest 200 ft from us, the one across the road is 150 ft or better away and the ones on the left are 700 ft or more away. Even if the windows were open here and at the neighbors, you couldn't hear their phone. Last night was unseasonably cold (mid 30s) and I can guarentee you no one had any windows open. Where this phone sound originated or how is a good question. Mice don't use the phone. I think maybe it would be interesting to stay up all night sometime and see just what does go on in this place.

Sunday, October 9, 2005


   This was just strange, to me at lest. I was sitting at the computer looking up some items on E Bay. My attention was on the monitor and what I was looking up. I thought I felt my dog place his paws on the arm of my chair, the chair even shifted slightly like added weight was added. He does this sometimes when it is about time to take him out. I placed my arm down, to encircle him and say "just a minute"; but he was not there. My hand and arm met only empty space. Looking into the den from my place in the library I could plainly see my dog lying on my wife's lap. I definitely felt something that automatically elicited an appropriate reaction from me. But obviously, it hadn't happened. I suppose theres a logical explaination for this. It just seems strange to me.