Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Another Halloween has come and gone

Another Halloween has made its debut. I had a light turn out this year for "Trick or Treat"; only about 150 so I have lots of treats for next year, No I don't intend to pass out stale candy. I don't pass out candy. I haven't passed out edibles for Halloween since the big hoax scare a few years back. I gather up deals on toys during the year and pass them out instead. For a change I had only two trick or treaters who looked to be older than 12. I took a few photos but none came through with any orbs or such like. This just adds mystery to the fact that just three or four years ago I was getting numerous "orbs". I have been extremely busy this past year to set up elaborate camera shots or recorders. The lack of goblins this year was probably due to several factors; One. Trick or Treat in the village was not posted in the local paper. I'm sure the city fathers just "forgot", even though other towns and villages posted theirs at least twice. Trick or treat was the same night and time in most of the other locations so the surrounding area kids took a chance here. Secondly the weather, which was fine during the trick or treat period; however, it rained early in the day and looked stormy in the evening. Thirdly a lot of cheap skates do not treat here. The fire department came through with their after trick or treat party, so I'm sure the kids who showed up did have a good time. Maybe I'll be better prepared next year.