The wife's store has totally taken up my time. We drag home, get supper, and turn in. I have been experiencing an odd factor. This is my first chance to discuss it. This phenomena only occurs in our rather large upstairs bathroom. The room is large because it use to be a bedroom over the kitchen.
Lately I have experienced shadows coming through the doorway that leads to the upstairs hall. The shadows are generally vague but appear to have legs, like a black dog. I see them out of the corner of my eye and when I look toward them they disappear. This has occurred several times over the past month or so. Yes, I have a black dog but her legs are not long and slim , like the shadows, but shorter and fuzzy (she is a schnauzer). She has been in the bathroom with me when these shadows occur. She does not react to them. So maybe I'm seeing things.T he last time this occurred I had the foresight to not look toward the movement. As a result the shadow did not disappear until it went behind a short wall just inside the doorway to the bath. The shadow originated from a wall of shelves on the southern wall, it came pretty much straight tward me, passed me and disappeared behind the wall. This time I had the sense to not turn my eyes toward it. The shadows legs were quite clear (long, short hair, black) the body was indistinct but where the head should have been pointy ears (like a German Shepherd) appeared. If I'm cracking up why is this only occuring in the lavatory and why a black dog?