Friday, October 24, 2003

Our dogs

          Our dogs, I've had as many as three at a time, have often reacted strangely. There have been times when they refused to go upstairs at night. Physically carrying them up, I fastened them in the vicinity if their bed which is next to ours. At these times they would lay facing down the hall emit low growls. The Schnauser I presently own will often do the same. I had a male schnauzer who lived to the ripe old age of 18. He would often sit in the dining room doorway to the darkened parlour and apparently watch something going on in the dark for rather long periods of time; his head turning as if he were following somesort of action. The periods of time when footsteps are heard seem to also be heard by our dogs who would often react to them by going to check out the source.

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