Friday, December 19, 2003

Truckers Experience

     A trucker, upon reading this journal, notified me through through the Fate forum. He had correctly guessed what village I was writing about. Said he had a most puzzling experience in this same village a few years back. At that time he trucked grocery items to small independent grocery stores throughout this region of the state. On one occasion, he was running way early on his route, it was snowing and the roads were bad when he pulled into the parking yard of the local grocery. As the grocery was not yet open, he figured he'd have a cup of coffee from his thermos and wait ti he saw lights come on in the store. He said he was about 30 minutes too early. As he sat there, he saw a form coming toward the truck and when it approached the side of the truck he rolled down the window to see what was wanted. A young lady, probably in her late teens, or early 20s, dressed lightly with just a sweater over a dress, asked him if he knew when the store would open. He looked at his watch and said in about 15 minutes, when he looked up she wasn't there. He looked all around, no sign of her. Perplexed, he got out of the truck to see what on earthg had happened to her. There were no tracks in the snow. He says that is one experience he will never forget.

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