Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Many strange sounds

     After a long quiet pause; something broke loose today. Actually just a few minutes ago. I had been working in the Den; clearing up materials I had been using in an art project. Bushed, I went into the Library and turned on the computer. I figured that while I relaxed I'd see if I had any E mail. I hadn't much more than started when the sound of footsteps and the rustle of clothing was clearly heard in the Diningroom. My wife is in town today and my dog was with me in the Library. I called out,"Back already?" but recieved no answer but clearly heard footsteps retreat from the Parlour through the Dinningroom and heavy steps going up the rear stairs. This brought me up quick, even if my dog hadn't started barking frantically, my wife does not move rapidly up any stairs. I quickly ran to the window and saw that her car was not outside. My dog was at my heels, had the sounds originated from my wife he would have ran ahead to welcome her. I rushed up the back staircase looking for an intruder. I found noone, anyplace. My dog remained at my side, both barking and whinning. I went through the upstairs and down the front staircase. I checked the front door, it was deadlocked from the inside. I moved through the downstairs; noting that the Parlour door was closed. I had heard the heavy footsteps come out of the parlour as if the door were open or nonexistant. I went through the dinningroom and into the kitchen, no one was in evidence. The back door was closed and locked. We mainly keep that door locked, even when we are at home, primarily because it has a tendancy to blow open. I heard these sounds, my dog heard the sounds. Again I have no explaination for them. But this time, whoever, or whatever made them was in a big hurry. Not like other times when steps were lighter, like in a normal walk.

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