Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Took more photographs

  Last Saturday I finally got around to taking more experimental photographs of the front stairway where I may have gotten an anamoly once before. The suggestion was made that I try taking photos of the stairs under normal lighting and then existant lighting. I have an old light meter but the lighting in the front hall was so weak it didn't even register on the meter. So first, using the regular hall lighting I tried a couple of short time exposures of varying lengths of time (five to 10 seconds) and then turning off the hall light, I tried again, several times, with long time exposures. I have no idea if I recorded anything as the hall is dark and even though I was using 800 speed film I may not have anything....or I may have overexposed the lot. I guess only time will tell. I did shoot one flash. I've got to start the recorders again. I haven't used them for a while.


Anonymous said...

You are using a tripod correct?

Brig said...

Yes, for longer than 0ne twenty-fifth of a second exposures, I use a tripod. And Yes, I do now have a digitile camera. Both the digitile and the film type cameras record the transparent disks I get, usually at Hallowwen time.