Thursday, May 10, 2007

Disappearing Newspapers

     Today it was my wife's turn to experience a weird occurrance. Today I worked about all day in my workshop next door, so I had nothing to do with what happened. My wife was working in the kitchen on a craft project that necessitated three full fheets of newspaper. She said she got the paper and laid them out on the floor so they'd be easy to get to. She used the first full sheet and reached for the second there was no paper anywhere in sight. Two sheets of newspaper had vanished, no sight, no sound, just gone. Irritated she went back to her source (in the library) and got two more sheets from a pile she has collected for general use with projects. Returning to the kitchen, she laid the one sheet at her feet and proceeded to use the other. Reaching for her last sheet of paper, it wasn't there. Totally unnerved at this point my wife came next door to tell me about the missing papers. I told her to look in the parlour or someplace up stairs for them. Thats usually what occurs when this happens to me. She declined saying the paper could stay whereever it was taken. She then said she was going to go back over and finish the project and then start supper. Half and hour or so I went back over to the house and supper was well underway. The missing sheets of newspaper are still missing. I could find no trace of them anywhere. I suspect they will reappear in some totally absurb place, maybe tomorrow, maybe next month or next year. Thats the way of this house.


Anonymous said...

As I read your entry' really reminds me of when we lived in our old house. Som of our things would come back and some wouldn't. To this day, I am still missing a pair of glasses and a camera, clothing, dishes, etc... I did go to my eye doctor and told him that I had 'lost' my glasses and got another pair. I couldn't let him know that my house took them and never returned them. :o) It did get frustrating at times. ;o)

Brig said...

The disappearing and reappearing bit still occurs; but I rarely make note of it anymore. We are still missing a roast. Not that I would want it back now. A whole bag of loose candleabra bulbs is still gone. Disappeared right off the table while my wife was replacing bulbs.