Saturday, June 23, 2007

Strange orange glowing orbs

    I hope I have this perfectly straight. This comes directly from my wife. Last night at roughly 3 am she made a visit to the bathroom. While in there she noticed flickering orange lights through the slates of the blind on the eastern window. Thinking it to be a state patrol or sheriffs car somewhere in the neighborhood she looked out the window to see what was going on. It wasn't a car. In our side yard was three orange balls of light, roughly the size of basketballs; they were twerling about each other in an ascending way, they moved up into the sky and out of sight. I have seen ball lightning but this certainly doesn't sound like that. I have no idea what she saw. But I have no doubt she saw it. I admit that getting up in the middle of the night for a bathroom visit could leave a person a bit groggy; but to then see lights, assume it to be on a police car, and then move to the window and open the blinds and then see something strange would indicate pretty much full wakefullness. But we have no explaination for this occurance.Investigating our side lawn this morning turned up nothing out of the ordinary.

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