Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Third film

The third film came back some time ago. I just hadn't reported on it. Primarily because there was nothing to report. The pictures were clear, well defined, boring. I took pictures of different rooms in the house including the "Noahroom" which we had just replastered and repainted. No pictures show the strange disk shapes that appear on pictures taken on Halloween nights or the one occassion when they appeared on photos taken on the shortest day of the year. I recently sent away another film. My cameras are loaded and ready for the night of June 21st (longest day); I plan on using both film and digitile for that one. If nothing appears on those, well, it won't be too awful long til Halloween again. Still no one has any explaination for these strange round clear disks that appear only on special nights, but not in all photos. Dust reflection has been ruled out. Any ghost hunters out there have any idea what we are getting here? Or anyone else, for that matter?

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