Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dog toy

I suppose this is silly; but I did say I'd write of anything that seemed weird or abnormal. I have almost always had schnauzers for pets. I had a pup when I was so young I don't remember it and my wife and I took in an abandoned pup one cold winter day who was swiped the following summer. But as far as dogs for pets of any duration they have always been schnauzers since my wife and I married back in 1969. Of all of the schnauzers I have owned (7 including the two I now have.) I have had only one that actually played with stuffed toys. The others liked to rough house and chew on bones, even rubber ones and a couple liked to play ball, but only one, out of all of them, really liked the stuffed toy preferably, with a squeaker. The little male I now have loves to play with stuffed toys. He chases them, chews on them, and rough houses them. If he wants you to play with him he'll take a toy in his mouth and hit you with it. His most favorite toy is a gaily colored parrot. You'll find this parrot almost anyplace. Yesterday it was lying in the middle of the dining room floor. Yesterday as I was walking from the kitchen into the dining room headed for the library that dang parrot squeaked. A loud clear squeak and neither dog was anywhere near it. The older dog was coming out of the kitchen with me and the younger dog was in the library with my wife. That squeak certainly got my attention. I can't explain it. The squeaker bulb must be compressed to emit the squeak. No one was around to compress the bulb. Interesting, but probably explainable.

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