Monday, October 31, 2016

Trick or Treat again

I've felt crummy for a couple days. Even though it rained adequately day before yesterday and a little again yesterday you would think the allergens would be pretty cleaned out. Not so, I'm plugged but plenty and my allergy medicine only tappers it off, it makes be groggy but doesn't really clear me out. Tonight was the villages Trick or treat. One of the city fathers decided that if trick or treat times were not published only the village children would participate. Talk about selfish simpletons. I guess what makes me peevish about the whole thing is the very same jerks that don't want countryside kids in the village on Beggars Night are the very same jerks that leave their lights off and don't participate in trick or treat anyway. I really didn't feel up to giving treats out either; but I did because I didn't want to disappoint the youngsters. Some of them had some really cute costumes this year and, low and behold, I didn't see a single political mask. Hooray. I took a few pictures when I got a minute, I haven't checked for orbs or what have you. I didn't have hardly any decorations out this year. I guess I'm getting old. I did set up Mr. Bones and he did frighten a few very young. Most now think he's just funny and want their pictures taken with him. I did give out a very large amount of treats. I started out with a table full of 200 pieces, Battery hand held pumpkins, glow wands and jewelry, glow masks and other glowing bric a brac. It was soon wiped out which put me back into left over from last year items. So I know I had over 300 tick or treators but whether or not I matched the 400 I usually have, I really don't know. I'd say the ill conceived plan to limit children from the countryside didn't work. I am glad it didn't work. Bunch of jerks. The Fire Department had their party for the children who stayed and prizes, contests, Hot Dogs and Soda Pop made for a very nice end to Halloween by 8 o'clock.

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