Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Candleabra bulbs

   The missing bag of lightbulbs is still missing. I had to buy new ones. Its very frustrating.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


 This occurred last Thursday. I debated whether or not to include it here. I'm fairly certain it was no paranormal experience. On thurday, in the morning, I went up to the local post office , only about 3 blocks from my house, not a long walk. My wife was preparing to go into town. My wife stopped at the post office on her way into town to ask me if I had come back into the house after I left for the post office, I told her I hadn't. She said that after I had left she heard the back door open and supposed it was me. She said, "Wasn't Larry at the post office today?" At that time the dogs went berserk and she knew it wasn't me. Then she heard the door slam. I went back down to the house from the post office. Our intruder had something white on his shoes and he had tracked it nearly across the kitchen carpet. Whatever it was it was difficult to sweep up because it just smeared into the carpet. Whoever it was wore a size 6 or 7 shoe. The prints were small. Nothing was taken; apparently the dogs scared whomever away. This is a small community; almost no one ever locks a door in the daytime and some never lock their doors ever. In the past 3 years or so there have been a few burgled businesses and possibly one private home entered. It only takes one rotten egg to spoil a community. At lest I now know my burgler alarm works.

Lightbulbs no show

   The missing bag of candleabra lightbulbs has not resurfaced. Again, how does a sack containing 4 or five new 60 watt candleabra bulbs just disappear? If you have read the previous post; you would know there really isn't anyplace for them to be concealed. The diningroom table sits in the center of the diningroom. It is surrounded with six chairs; one on each end and two on the sides. The chairs, the floor, as well as the table were checked for those bulbs. They may not reappear for 6 months or longer; or we might find them almost anyplace, tomorrow. Creepy isn't it.