Friday, March 30, 2007


  My paranormal friend has suggested that I take available light photos of my stair area that seems to be one focal point of paranormal activities. It was also suggested that I do this about 3 am. Those stairs are very dark on the brightest of days. Even with the house lights on, I'm not sure how long of an exposure to attempt. I do have an antiquated light meter that may help. If I try a couple with the lights off totally, it'll be almost like shooting a picture in a photographic darkroom. And can someone tell me why 3 am is singled out as oppertune as opposed to mid-night, the supposed witches hour? I'm really open to suggestions here. Not sure when I'll try it; 3 am is a lot later than us old folks like to stay up. Possibly during the Easter break.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Strange shadow

  Our upstairs bath sets at the end of a long hallway. About midway down the hall, my wife has a bureau where she keeps sheets and such. I was just leaving the bath to go back down stairs when the shadow of a man moved across the bathward side of that bureau. At first I thought I had cast the shadow, but when I stepped back, I realized I was not casting any shadow in that direction. In fact I tried, moving here and then there, forward, backward and to the right and then the left. I simply did not cast any shadow in that direction. The shadow was most likely male. The head did, upon reflection, seemed abnormally round. There were shoulders but the shadow hit the bureau in a slightly downward sweep. Just as you would expect a shadow, from a moving object, to do. Not much that happens in this house is a big shock anymore, but the shadow is a new phenomena for me.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Thumping sound goes silent

The thumping sound, I have reported in the past, has not been heard since circa Feb. 2nd.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Photos of the front stairs

    As you recall, I said I took additional pictures of the front stairs during the period of the full moon and a couple of other times as well. This suggestion was made in an attempt to see if the strange image I accidently got that looked a bit like a womans face, at the right height for someone decending the front steps. Unfortunately these pictures also came out perfectly clear without even a hint of the unusual.

Strange disappearances

   I have said, various times, that things disappear in this house and then reappear in totally illogical places. Keep in mind that only myself , my wife and our two dogs live here. We have had no company in the past two weeks, primarily because the weather has been hideous, extremely snowy and icy. I have a couple of places where I keep our camera. One is in the library and the other is on the dinningroom sideboard. I needed the camera a couple days ago to take a picture of an old mantle clock that I suspect dates back into the 1800s. I needed a shot of it to send to a clock expert in hopes he could identify and date it. The camera was not anywhere to be found. I have a second camera but the film was just started and I didn't need 26 shots of this clock. The missing camera had three or four shots left. Two days later I find the camera in the kitchen BREAD BOX. Neither my wife nor I are senile yet. This is totally unexplainable; yet these things happen in this house. Some things don't reappear for weeks or months and some never reappear. I guess I was lucky it was only gone a couple of days. Oh, by the way we do keep our bread in the bread box. I have toast about every morning.