Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Very Bright Flash.

This just happened. Its 8:20 pm EST, Wednesday, November 27th. I am in the Library sitting at the computer. A very bright flash, almost blinding, just occurred out of the bookcase, immediately to my left and about 4 0r 5 foot from the floor. The day has been heavily overcast and it has been snowing ,off and on, all day. There are no windowds across from where the flash occurred. The only windows in the Library are two very tall, very slim, gothic type and they are directly behind me. When I looked in the direction of the flash, once it was over, there was nothing to see but books crowding the library shelves. There is nothing to be seen, out the two windows but evergreen trees and a couple of pear trees. View of the road in front of the house is blocked by two huge old evergreens and the angle is all wrong even if those trees were not there. What the heck was it? This is weird. The flash was just like someone had taken a flash pictuire of me sitting at the computer. No one was there and the book shelves in that area of the bookcase are tightly packed and there is a 17 inch solid brick wall behind the bookcase. Any suggestions?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Actually the house has been rather quiet this least we think it has. We haven't been home much until very recently. We had medical problems and business obligations that pretty much kept us going all day 24-7. Things are easing up a bit. The younger dog is still raising cane with the wall beside the library door. We've never discovered what her problem is. Whatever it is the older dog is totally unconcerned about it.Normally this is the season for loud unexplainable booms. footsteps on hardwood floors (that are now carpeted) and various other unexplained anomalies. The camera chip that had the strange pictures on it has disappeared. I may have mislaid it; but you'd think I'd have mislaid it in an obvious place; but it is gone.I still have hopes of finding it. Anyway its enough to make you think a quiet house is a boring house. Some of those episodes were quite invigorating. I kinda miss the mystery.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Darn spy camera still will not work.

The Spy Camera I was using on the front stairs that actually took several questionable pictures quit working. It still comes on but does not activate when someone or something walks in front of it. I suppose its worn out. So I have set up my trail camera in the same area I had the spy camera. Now we will see if anything unusual develops with it. I'll let it run another week and then check it out. I'll report if anything strange appears.

Halloween photos, again, no show

Once again, Halloween appears to be a bust. Once I can purchase a better machine to view my digitile pictures on that could change. But printing several shots that I took over the Halloween period, none came up with any "orbs". The weather was horrible on Trick or Treat night and although I planned for about 400 trick or treaters; only about 100 braved the weather. I even had this life sized skeleton dressed in a tuxedo standing by the door to greet everyone. He talked and his eyes flash and he scared the bejibbers out of the young goblins but not bad enough that they still didn't get their treats. One little girl, about 6 years old, got her treat and as she was walking away down the front stairs, turned and pointed her finger at the skeleton and said, "He's really scarey". Maybe he scared off the real ghosts? This is the third Halloween I've recorded no, I call them transparent disks, but others call them "orbs". But for three Halloweens prior to the last three I had several pictures with the strange orbs. I haven't sent the film cameras film awaay for printing as yet, but as I took most of the shots with the digitile and nothing appears to be evident; I have small hope that anything will appear on the film camera's film.The weather was so bad this year that I did very little decorating for Halloween. I had a line of jack-o-lanterns across the front of the downstairs balcony; two jack-lanterns on either side of the stairs to the front door, My skeleton butler on the left side of the front door, Elvira carrying a Jack-o-lantern on the right side. Guarding the treats were a demon with a green jack-o-lantern on a tray and Elvira as a traditional witch.As I give out toys, flashlights, and glow sticks for treats, I can save whats left for next Halloween. In fact, I probably have enough left to take care of next Halloween.