Monday, January 8, 2018

A sstrange thing

Last night we turned in early. It was snowing and I figured I'd have to clean a path to my car and clean the snow and possibly ice off the car. Around about 3:30 am I was awakened by a movement on the bed; kind of like someone sitting down on the mattress and getting up again. This occurred at least three times, maybe more for it to awaken me. My first thought was that it was my schnauzer, Shadow, who usually sleeps the foot of the bed. I thought she had gotten a drink and was trying to jump back into the bed. But by this point I was awake enough to realize Shadow was just inches from my head and sleeping soundly. Of course, when I sat up to see what was going on there was nothing there and the movement ended. My ever vigilant Shadow was quite zonked through it all. At my age, when you wake up in the middle of the night you have to make a bathroom run. Even going to the jon and returning did not awaken sleeping beauty. I don't have any idea what was going on. Just more of the strange in this place.