Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thing out of place

My wife and I run a small store in a small town about 10 or 15 minutes from our home. We are not home for several hours of most days so our dogs have, pretty much the run of the downstairs except for the formal parlor and den. My wife has the parlor pretty much set up to look like it did in the 1800's and the den, where the TV is located is simply no place for unsupervised dogs. For one thing, my younger schnauzer has learned to turn on the TV and if something really interesting should happen to be on her frantic gyrations could conceivably upset the set onto her. So the den and parlor are closed off when we leave. Of an evening I can monitor her excitement when the TV is on. Now getting to the point. I frequently have pancakes and maple syrup of a morning for breakfast. Recently I ran out of the syrup and had to pick up a new bottle at Walmart. It along with some other groceries were taken into the kitchen and put away. Well, the syrup disappeared. I had waffles in the toaster but when I tried to get the syrup I could not find it. So I had blackberry jelly on my waffles. The maple syrup was missing for several days. I had decided to buy another bottle but that particular day we were running late and didn't take time to run up to Walmart for it. After supper, that evening, I called the dogs and opened to den door (as I do every evening) so we could turn on the TV. Laying in the middle of the den floor was the bottle of maple syrup I could not find. I had been in the den every day and that syrup was not there. In the middle of the floor, where I would have tripped over it getting to the TV. How did that bottle of syrup manage to get in the den, which is across the house from the kitchen, in the middle of the floor? The dogs were blocked from the room during the day. I had been in the den every day and didn't see the syrup bottle in the middle of the floor totally unobstructed. Things in this house disappear and then often reappear in some totally illogical place. I just like to know how. I wish my dogs could talk.