Monday, March 15, 2004

Pistol shot

   I was working the computer in the library yesterday when what sounded very much like a pistol shot, very loud and very close. The pup who was sleeping in his favorite chair in the den came running to me in an agitated state. I went immediately to the front den window and looked out on a perfectly peaceful street with no cars or people in sight. My neighbor across the main street from me doesn't own a gun; I doubt he knows how to fire one. My next door neighbor who is really a good 100 ft. from me does not believe in firearms. The house on my other side belongs to me, it is my shop and storage shed . There are no houses behind me for a quarter mile. I heard the "shot"; my dog, obviously heard it, but no one else in town that I spoke to heard any kind of loud noise. Most people in this tiny village go to the local post office for their mail, a  cup of coffee, and a lot of gossip. Thats where I asked about the "shot". This is not that unusual for this house, just another unexplained noise. But as I have said before, these crashes, shot sounds, etc. are so loud, so real, you never hesitate to investigate. Just another strange day, in a strange old house, in a strange, historical, little village.

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