Thursday, February 9, 2006

Dog again uneasy about upstairs hall

     Not really a big deal, but as I report all unusual occurrances, this was a bit unusual. Actually it happened three or four nights ago. I just couldn't decide whether to enter it in the journal or not. We had turned in a little early for us, no real reason for it. I hadn't even started my nightly play with our dog. He was standing at the foot of the bed when he suddenly turned from facing me to facing down our long dark upstairs hall. He issued several low growls. "Hey ,I said, whats with you?" Not even turning to me he kept staring into the hall. He was so intent I did not even try to distract him with play. He growled those low gutteral warning type growls that dogs use when they are warning you or someone away. After a couple of minutes he relaxed and then was ready to romp before going to bed. What he thought he heard or sensed, I have no idea. Luckily he doesn't behave in this fashion often.

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