Thursday, March 2, 2006

Tape Recorder disappears

     The tape recorder disappeared. Its been gone for a week or more. I had set it up again in the alcove at the turn of the front stairs. It had been there several days before I thought to retrive it but it wasn't there. Thinking maybe I had actually set it up someplace else, I have searched the entire house. My wife hasn't seen it. My dog is rarely in that part of the house. Theres been no one else here in the past two weeks or so. This isn't the first thing to disappear here; but normally the things reappear in plain sight, just in some obscure area that wouldn't be logical. I've searched the obscure areas too. I can only think of two things, besides the recorder, that haven't reappeared. Several; years ago an address book disappeared for a long time, like probably better than a year; then suddenly reappeared in the middle of the floor in the front hall. It disappeared again three or four years ago and hasn't reappeared. We had a three pound roast disappear from the refrigerator, it never reappeared (thank goodness); and now the tape recorder. I guess if I plan on further investigation here I'm going to have to purchase another one.

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