Tuesday, May 9, 2006


     This really may be nothing, but it is the first time I have ever taken a picture and had, at lest to me, a faint ghostlike likeness. Though I usually use a Minolta or Zenite to shoot pictures, this time I was using a simple point and shoot Ansco. I had recently made a new knuell post statue and attached it at the top of the handrail post  leading up the front of our winding staircase. The piece is made of ceramic; I bought it in greenware and had the lady of a local ceramic shop fire it for me as my own kiln was too small to accommodate it. She wanted to see a picture of it finished and in place. This was the reason I took this particular photo. I was using the wink flash on the camera and Kodak 800 speed film. When I got the pictures processed the statue photo came out very well. The figure at the head of the stairs did not immediately jump out at me. It was probably on the third viewing that I suddenly noticed a miscoloration at the turn in our winding staircase. Just in front of the alcove where I have tried using the recorder on several occassions. The golden brownish head shot has, to me, the appearance of a womans face. It is located just about the right height for someone coming down the steps. I can figure nothing that could have reflected into that area from the flash. Admittedly, you need to look at the area on the photo for a moment or two before the "head" takes form. My wife says she can see it too but chalks it off to a reflection or a development fluke. She could be right. But this is certainly the closest thing I've ever gotten of a picture of a "ghost".

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