Thursday, November 23, 2006

Disappearing paint lid

     It had been quiet here for some time. However, I now have two entries to make. The first pertains to my wife. We spent Thanksgiving here this year as all our close relatives have long gone. The big Thanksgiving meal was eaten and the dishes cleaned up and put away. I had just walked our older dog and thought today would be a good day to play on the computer. My wife was painting a picture onto an old milk can for a friend. As I was computing my wife walks into the library and says, " I need you to do something I don't seem to be able to do." Figuring it was a stuck lid on some paint, I followed her back to the kitchen. Then she said,"I was painting a cardinal on a pinetree, using the paint in the lid of the red paint bottle when I thought I heard someone at the kitchen door" "I got up to see who was at the door, there was noone; but when I sat down to continue painting the paint lid was gone." "See if you see it". Frankly if it was anywhere near it would have been obvious. There was the milk can on the table with a couple of sheets of newspaper under it, four bottles of paint, three minus lids but two of those lids were right there and three brushes ranging from fine to about a quarter inch. The floor was totally clear. As this type of thing happens to me frequently, I reminded her that the lid would pop up someplace totally illogical in a few hours or days. "What," she said,"am I going to do to keep my paint from drying out?" I suggested using saran wrap and a rubber band as a temporary measure. Be interesting to see where that lid shows up. Can't blame the dogs as they were both curled up asleep in the library with me.

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