Sunday, January 14, 2007

Strange sound is daily now.

     The inexplicable pumping sound which can only be heard in the library and nowhere else in the house or out of the house; has been occuring on a regular hourly basis since I last posted about it here. The sound does occur on rare occassion in the morning, but is most reliably noted between 6 and midnight. Sometimes its louder than other times. Sometimes its more rapid than at other times. It only lasts 5 or 10 seconds at a time.Its never exactly the same time of the day, but it is pretty much exactly one hour to the minute each day. If its heard at 6:54 you can set your watch you'll hear it again at 7:54 and so on. But the next day you might hear it  at 7:53 and so on. Some days (rare recently) you don't hear it at all. I suppose it has a logical explaination. But only hearing it in one room and not being able to source it out is becoming a real problem.

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