Saturday, March 8, 2008

Very quiet again

    Its still snowing. Its been snowing for three days. The snow is 6 inches deep and still it snows. The weatherman predicts another 2 to four inches. We are essentially snowed in. This tiny berg makes only half-hearted attempts at keeping the road open. I suppose, if I had to, I could get to the Interstate; but I was told at the post office today that even it is only open on one lane because the state is experiencing a salt shortage. One lane usually means very slow traveling as one wreck can really tie up traffic. So I doubt I'll be traveling for a couple of days. Even our next town, which is a bit larger, has closed up, so theres nothing open anyway but a couple of service stations. Talk about quiet. If there were anything the lest strange going on, I'd certainly hear it. I even hear the furnace turn on and occassional clicks in the hot water pipes. Even the dogs are sacked out in the floor asleep. At the moment the house is remarkably quiet.

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