Saturday, August 16, 2008

Update on Thunderous blast

     I finally found another individual who heard that thunderous blast that shook the windows and the ground I was standing on. A villager who lives about a quarter of a mile from us told me it shook the windows of her house and about scared her to death. Then she said in a very discusted tone; my husband was in the livingroom and when I asked him about the blast he said, "What blast?" He didn't hear anything, so he said, and he is not hard of hearing. She was relieved that someone besides herself  had heard it. We still have no idea what it was or why the majority of people in town have no idea what we are talking about. I'm not kidding when I said the ground shook and my ears rang. My wife said the windows rattled and so did the lady up the street; but nobody but us three heard it. Selective hearing?

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