Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Are ghosts scarey?

Since I saw the youth, who wasn't there, I have had several people ask if I was scared. As this was the first human figure I have ever gotten a good look at; I would have to say "no". Seeing the boy and the few seconds that elasped before he faded out, I just thought he was a customer. He was gone so quick that I had no time to register anything. I was left standing there wondering just what I had encountered. I was not scared, just a bit confused. I was looking right at him so I know he didn't leave. Nonetheless he was gone. So upon reflection the only thing I could come up with was he was a "ghost". I have gotten glimpses of people ,who couldn't be there, a couple times in the past, but the effect was so quick that only a general discription could be given. I have had, on several occassions sightings of dogs in this old house that were substantial enough that I though they were my dogs or that some stray dog had entered the house. But not people, until this time. I think I could identify this young man if I ever saw him again. But he definitely did not scare me. I doubt anyone would be scared because it started so normally and passed so quickly that you are left scratching your head and saying, "What just happened?"

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