Sunday, July 21, 2013

Extremely quiet summer so far

There have been no recent reports because there has been nothing to report. The TV episode I last reported must have been insignificant as, luckily, no major issues have come up. The TV has not turned itself on or off since that last reported episode. We have had the set on several times for the weather and everything acted as it should. We haven't been home a lot during the day and I suppose that could account for less experiencing of the strange, or perhaps not. Too bad we cannot ask the dogs if anything strange went on here while we were out. We had an abnormally dry spring this year but starting the last of May and through this week, we have had an abnormally wet summer. I had no garden to speak of this year. But from what my neighbors tell me that may not be a bad thing. They had so much watyer the tomatos and potatos, etx, are pretty much ruined by wet fungus and blight.

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