Wednesday, September 7, 2016

More problems

When you get old life tends to get complicated. Seems my wife and I cannot stay out of the hospital. This a.m. as my wife was leaving the house she caught her shoe on something and took a bad spill that resulted in a bruised shoulder and a broken wrist. My wife is far more knowledgeable about computers than I am. I need her to transfer photos from the camera's chip to the forum. Looks like that's not about to happen for a while. We've been in that hospital so many times over the past year or so they know us on sight. As far as happenings, that is," things that go bump in the night", the house has been rather quiet. On the other hand, we haven't been here much during the daylight hours lately. Perhaps once we can get back into some kind of routine we'll have more to report.

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