Thursday, October 13, 2016

Spy Camera and sound activated tape recorders

I have a spy camera and two sound activated recorders. Lately I have not recorded anything abnormal with any of them. The Halloween, Sowein season is rapidly approaching. In the past a few days prior to and a few days post Halloween has captured several shots of "orbs" with the digital camera. However, I have had no luck for the past 3 years. I have been using the cameras and recorders in areas where we seem to have the most activity, Granted my equipment is very basic. Does anyone have suggestions as to where or how these cameras might be placed to catch abnormal sounds or pictures. I prefer to set-up the cameras and recorders in areas less frequented by myself and my wife, Such as the upstairs short hall, tehe green room and the attic. Unfortunately mosf those areas are rather dark. I have a couple of trail cameras with flash, that perhaps I could place in the short hall and and attic stairs. Its a thought.

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