Thursday, November 10, 2016

Rapid Season changes

It seems this location has no transition seasons. Summer heat in the high 80's goes within a couple of days to low 50's and mid 30's. We don't really have a spring or Autumn. It went from hot and humid to cold and humid within a two day span. It's cold outside now. Picked my last tomato on Nov. 4th and the garden was freeze killed a day later. I had impatiens blooming on the front stoop into November. Froze out now. Spring was the same way, we went from colder than Nanooks igloo to summer heat in less than a week. Be nice to put up Christmas decorations without freezing my fingers off but it doesn't look likely to happen. You would think these sudden temperature changes would activate the house to make spooky sounds; but things have been quiet lately. If anything occurs, I will write about it. I got new batteries for the trail camera, so I'll soon set it and the spy camera out.

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