Sunday, September 9, 2007

Cigar smoke

     Yesterday upon unlocking the door and entering  the house from the western door into the kitchen,  I could distinctly smell cigar smoke, actually it was stale cigar smoke. This has happened a few times over the years, just like the lavender scent that crops up sometimes. but it still tends to worry you. Both of my dogs were behaving normally and they go nuts whenever anyone other than my wife or I enter the house. They even act like idiots when the UPS man delivers a package and they are quite friendly with him outside of the house. So I doubt anyone smelling of cigar smoke was actually in the house. Such is the price we pay to live in old houses. I just don't know the source of the smoke or the lavender. My wife does not use lavender and neither of us smoke nor allow smoking in the house. The smell was only noticeable in the kitchen area which is in the rear of the house well away from roads and neighbors.

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