Sunday, November 24, 2013

Actually the house has been rather quiet this least we think it has. We haven't been home much until very recently. We had medical problems and business obligations that pretty much kept us going all day 24-7. Things are easing up a bit. The younger dog is still raising cane with the wall beside the library door. We've never discovered what her problem is. Whatever it is the older dog is totally unconcerned about it.Normally this is the season for loud unexplainable booms. footsteps on hardwood floors (that are now carpeted) and various other unexplained anomalies. The camera chip that had the strange pictures on it has disappeared. I may have mislaid it; but you'd think I'd have mislaid it in an obvious place; but it is gone.I still have hopes of finding it. Anyway its enough to make you think a quiet house is a boring house. Some of those episodes were quite invigorating. I kinda miss the mystery.

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