Sunday, December 22, 2013

Nothing is stirring, not even a mouse

Perhaps its because I haven't been home enough. With helping at my wife's shop, we hardly get home and eat then off to bed. The poor dogs are feeling much negected and I don't blame them. So I guess I cannot really say that nothing has happened this season because we haven't been here much to know. This is the first year in 74 that there hasn't been a Christmas tree standing in a prominent place in the house. I have attended church services and played Christmas music in the store; but I really miss not having a tree set up or any outside decorations. But as far as I know we haven't had the strange occurrances that tend to plague the season. The hall camera is still running (I hope) but the trail camera does not seem as sensitive as the spy camera was. As soon as I can find a new spy camera I intend to get one. The last weird thing to happen here was the loud unexplained explosion. We heard it, shook the house, but noone else did and I still haven't found anything that could have been its source. Merry Christma everyone and May God Bless.

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