Tuesday, October 28, 2003


     Ever since we moved into this house we have had a hive of honeybees that nest between the walls between and above the front second story windows. They have never been intrusive but on very hot summer days they will swarm onto the cone of the front part of the roof. This swarm is usually 4 or 5 foot across and who knows how deep. Bee keepers tell me it would be next to impossible to extract the hive and highly illadvised as there is probably a great deal of honey which would then attract less wanted vermin. Besides, so I'm told, this is a rare colony, as most old colony bees were killed off in recent bee killing parasite epidemics. Either these bees escaped the problem or were immune to it for some reason; so the pollinators stay on. Nothing ghosly about that, unless something is protecting the hive. Recently we had painters doing the woodwork around the windows. They reported that those were the tamest bees they had ever incountered, nary a sting.

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