Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Breaking Glass

This house was built in 1857 by a U.S. Senator. It has two, 12 ft tall, arched windows in front. Try keepingall  these  little squares clean. You and the whole household are abruptly awakened at 2:15 am by the thunderous roll of crashing glass. Your first thought is something came through one or more of the great windows.You're wide awake anyway so you investigate first the front windows and then the whole house. No broken glass is ever found.                      It is nearly Christmas, I'm setting in the den, just off the Library, reading a book. My two Schnauzers are lying on the couch. My wife is out, I don't really expect her before 9 pm, its just dark out about 7pm. I hear someone walking from the kitchen and into the diniong room; the steps are light on hardwood floors, (it didn't dawn on me til later that the diningroom and library are carpeted), the steps turn and come into the library where I distinctly hear either keys or a glass set down somewhere on a table. The dogs jump down and run to the den doorway, then they stop and just stand there. I made some comment to my wife, no answer. I got up, I checked the whole house...noone. My wife arrived about 2 hours later.

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