Friday, April 6, 2007

Marking pen

    This is going to seem mundane. But I'm sure that if it happened to you, you would wonder about it. Day before yesterday I was planting garden seed into one of those seedling trays that gardeners use to start plants. I had identification sticks so I'd know what I planted and where. These sticks must be written on by waterproof ink as they are under a clear plastic lid which draws a lot of moisture. I was doing the planters while seated at the kitchen table. I had just finished a planting and wrote on the stick, with the only waterproof marker that I had. Not going anywhere, and still seated at the kitchen table, I laid the pen beside the tray and changed to a different seed. Once the second type seed was planted I reached for the marker and it was not there. I picked up the seed tray and looked around it and under it, no marker. I then checked out myself and around my chair, no marker. It wasn't on the table and it wasn't under the table, I even checked my pockets. Throughly frustrated I switched to a pencil and figured I could redo them later in ink. Completing the whole tray in this fashion I then moved the tray to a heat register in front of a window to sprout. We had at lest two meals on that table over the next day and a half.This morning the marker (its a big fat one) was laying in approximately the center of the kitchen table. Go figure.


Anonymous said...

Maybe your wife found it & put it there??????????????????

Brig said...

I asked her at the time where on earth she found my marking pen? She replied that she had no idea what I was talking about. I said it was in the middle of the kitchen table and she said she saw it but thought I'd put it there. The only others in this house are our two Schnauzers and I seriously doubt they did it. They are not allowed up on the table.